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    In full
    Life in full colour
    Bright smiles, bright sun and bright colours…
    that’s what keeps us going.
    This Summer Collection is dedicated to all the parents
    who comforted their little ones and told them that
    everything will be ok, and to the young ones who find it
    hard to understand why they can’t be at school but still
    see the world as a happy place.
    in girl
    This year has taught your
    little girl more than you
    wanted to, but she still
    brings you joy every day.
    Reflect her childish soul in
    bright colours and flowy
    in boy
    His playfulness adds a
    lot of energy to any
    room. Encourage it in
    his lifestyle, fashion
    sense and activities.
    Choose relaxed outfits
    and fresh patterns.
    Shop by age
    Every age has its preferences. As a parent, you know
    your child’s the best. Pick the right fit for them
    through this easy filter.
    Join our social
    While we’re still mostly behind closed doors, let’s
    stay connected! Stay in touch to keep an eye on our
    latest updates. We’d like to know yours too!